Wednesday, July 3, 2013

A little something sweet for the 4th!

It's been a while since I've posted something new on here. My free time has been preoccupied with fundraising projects for one of my friends battling stage 4 cancer. Just last Saturday we managed to raise $1700 from a garage sale!

Anyways, tomorrow is the fourth of July, and that normally means there is going to be tons of garbage to consume and later regret (ie: the cupcake with red, white and blue icing). The good news is- I've got your back. If you're throwing a little get together or soiree then be sure to add this to the mix. This ganache is so rich and delicious, takes 30 seconds to whip up, and you won't have the guilt later.

3/4 cup dark agave syrup
3/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder (or raw cacao powder)
1/3 cup virgin coconut oil, melted (my coconut oil is basically melted at room temperature- welcome to South Florida)
1/8 teaspoon salt
Fruit for dipping

Place all ingredients in a blender until smooth, spoon into a bowl and serve immediately with an arrangement of fruit for dipping! If you're making this for the 4th, get festive! Use strawberries, blueberries and bananas :).

*If you make this ahead, leave at room temperature. If you place it in the fridge the coconut oil will solidify.

Store any leftover ganache in an airtight container in the fridge for up to two weeks. When you want to serve it just boil some water, then turn off the heat. Place the ganache in a small bowl and set in the water (make sure the sides of the bowl are high, you don't want water spilling into it) and let it set for 10 minutes before serving.

Recipe by Jennifer Cornbleet

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