Sunday, January 6, 2013

Honey Ginger Lemon Tonic

Omg. It’s here. Cold and Flu season, I mean. Which means it’s time to prepare. I always make this and keep it in the fridge. Just a tablespoon into a mug of boiling water and wah-la, instant cold reliever!

Sterilized jar
1 organic lemon, cut into thin slices
3 inch piece of ginger, peeled and roughly chopped/grated*
Raw honey, preferably local wild flower*

Lay the lemon slices in the jar, I did 4 lemon pieces in one layer, then some ginger, repeat until you’re out of both. Pour honey over top, be patient, it will take a little while for it to get down to the bottom, pour until entire jar is full. Refrigerate.

Since honey is a natural preservative, this can last for months in the refrigerator without giving you any issues. I secretly use this to make tea even when I’m not feeling under the weather, it’s so delish!
You can always tap it off with more honey, lemon and ginger when it starts to get low. The longer it sits, the better it is.

*If you prefer or enjoy the taste of ginger grating it will enhance the flavor.

*If you don't have any raw local honey on hand just use a store bought raw. Pasteurized honey has the same nutritional value as processed white sugar, the pasteurization process kills off all the nutritional and healing properties honey has to offer. By using a local raw wildflower honey you will be able to relieve seasonal allergies as well.

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